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Some CIC graduants during a CHRM graduation ceremony
Pan Africa Skills Director with some CIC graduants during CHRM graduation
David Lawson-Director of Studies CIC presenting a Diploma to a CIC member in Nairobi
David Lawson-Director of Studies CIC with the Directors of Pan Africa Skills
Pan Africa Director (m) presenting an award during CHRM graduation

A Program designed to promote a safe and healthy occupational environment for the benefit of both employers and employees, and the wider public and visitors to premises. Every employer in business, commerce or government must by law ensure the health and safety of employees in the workplace, and other people affected by the activities of the organization. An accident can be traumatic for both parties; in the way an injury can affect an employee, his or her family and their quality of life; for an employer through lost “man-hours”, output or production, time spent on investigations and, in worst case scenarios, the cost of legal action and compensation.

This Program identifies hazards and risks in many workplaces: construction sites, shops, stores, restaurants, hotels, factories, stockyards and others such as educational establishments, and outlines vital accident preventive actions management must take, from risk assessment to implementation.


Course Outline

Module 1 - Managing Health & Safety in the Workplace

Module 2 - Providing a Safe Place to Work In

Module 3 - General Fire Safety

Module 4 - Working at Height, Building & Construction Work

Module 5 - Safe Use of Equipment in the Workplace

Module 6 - Transport in the Workplace, Materials Handling

Module 7 - Safe Use of Electricity in the Workplace: Noise in the Workplace, Vibrations at work

Module 8 - Hazardous Substances in the Workplace: Dangerous Radiations in the Workplace, Flammable and Explosive Substances

Module 9 - Health & Safety in Kitchens and Eating Places

Module 10 - Psychological Health Hazards in the Workplace

Module 11 - Health and Safety in Educational Establishments

Module 12 - Health Protection: First Aid, Display Screen Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)


Download Full Course Outline