This is a Program to train and produce effective professional stores and inventory personnel and managers.
An enterprise’s success can be greatly affected by the efficiency of its stores operations; efficient stores management can save money, help retain customers and maintain continuous operations; but stores mismanagement can lose an enterprise money, customers and production. A stores manager must be able to manage stores, stockyards and inventory; and plan, organise and coordinate inventory work; and train, supervise and control stores personnel; this Program teaches how that is done, and how to carry our stores management and stock control tasks effectively and professionally.
Course Outline Summary
Module 1 - Introduction to Storekeeping, Stock Control and Stores Management
Module 2 - Storehouse & Warehouse Premises: Location and Layout
Module 3 - Stores Equipment
Module 4 - Materials Handling
Module 5 - Storehouse and Warehouse Security
Module 6 – Stockyards
Module 7 - Identification of Stock Items
Module 8 - Stock Records
Module 9 - Stock Levels and Replenishment/Procurement of Stock
Module 10 - Receipts of Stock
Module 11 - Issues of Stock
Module 12 - Stocktaking, Spot Checks, Stock Valuation