This Program provides the knowledge and understanding of computers and IT systems which current and potential managers need to know in order to guide and manage a business section or department effectively, to guide and give confidence to colleagues, and to deal with external computer and IT organisations.
This Program explains the capabilities, benefits and workings of computer and IT systems, and about technology, hardware, software, data security, backups and communications - everything which needs to be known by modern managers, administrators, supervisors and business people, and those involved with IT. It explains the role and use of computer systems in planning, forecasting, analysis and making effective business decisions. The Program deals with designing, selecting, implementing and running computer systems to meet organisational needs, and how to ‘project manage’ the introduction and care of computer system, whether small or large. It covers what administrators/supervisors and IT managers need to know to control staff, manage IT, and make the best use of computer systems, how to manage data security and how to ensure system safety, and to avoid losses of data - vital information needed in the current business world.
Course Outline Summary
Module 1 - Computers and the Functions of Management
Module 2 - Computers in Business and Administration
Module 3 - Computer Systems: Hardware
Module 4 - Computer Systems: Software and Data
Module 5 - Practical Uses of Computers
Module 6 - Computers and Management Information
Module 7 - Computers and Communication
Module 8 - Computers and Accounting
Module 9 - Digital and Printed Media - Beyond Word Processing and Desktop Publishing
Module 10 - Business Continuity: Choosing and Defining a Computer System
Module 11 - Business Continuity: Delivering, Testing and Introducing a Computer System
Module 12 - Business Continuity: Efficient Running and Maintenance of a Computer System